About Southwark Green Party

Meet the team

Southwark Green Party is run entirely by volunteers. We are a grassroots party run by people who are passionate about green politics and making a difference.

Our officers and campaigners play a key role in supporting our candidates for election campaigns and in planning the wider activity of the local party.

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Green Party core values

Social justice emblem Environmentalism emblem Quality of life emblem

Social justice

Environmental action

Quality of life

We support dignity, equality, social justice and human rights for all We believe in the need for urgent collective action on a liveable environment We campaign for services, an economy and community that work for everyone

What is the Green Party?

 The time to vote Green is now.

We know these are dark days. The reality of Brexit hangs over us and our democracy is under attack.

Above all, the climate and environmental emergency rages from the Amazon to the Arctic.

The science is clear – the next ten years are probably the most important in our history.

At this time of crisis, we cannot go on as we are.

If ever there was a time to vote Green, it’s now.

The Green Party of England & Wales is an ecological and environmental political party. We are the third-placed party in London following the 2021 elections. There are elected Greens in Parliament, in the London Assembly, and on councils across the country including in the neighbouring south London borough of Lambeth.

Elected Greens:

  • protect local businesses, community hubs and green spaces
  • fight for truly affordable, secure housing
  • make streets safe for walking and cycling
  • clean up the air we breathe
  • stand up for equality, human rights and social justice

You can find out more about specific Green Party policies via these links. The manifesto from the most recent General Election - which you can view here - is organised under these sections:

  • The Green New Deal - New green homes, new green transport and new green jobs will get us on track to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions to net zero by 2030 and provide new opportunities for everyone to live happier and more secure lives. This will be a combined investment of over £100 billion a year in the Green New Deal, with an additional investment in Universal Basic Income.
  • Growing Democracy - Replacing First Past the Post with a proportional voting system, giving 16-year-olds the vote, reforming government to better combat the Climate Emergency and devolving power to councils
  • The Green Quality of Life Guarantee - Reversing austerity and funding our public services, tackling discrimination, ending the war on drugs, restoring our natural environment and making wellbeing the focus of our economy.
  • The New Deal for Tax and Spend - Ending wasteful spending on government vanity projects and reforming our tax system so that the wealthiest pay their fair share.
  • How It All Adds Up  


 For more of a London focus, you can read the manifesto prepared for Sian Berry's 2021 mayoral campaign here, organised under these headings:

  • Creating the greenest city in the world - only a Green Mayor can be trusted with our future
  • A clear plan to keep London moving - Greens want to make it easier to get around for everyone
  • Fresh thinking for housing - our ideas will help everyone find a decent, secure home
  • Action for a safe and healthy city - our goal is to keep eveyone in our city safe from harm
  • A duty to respect eveyone's rights - Greens will support eveyone to live their lives free from discrimination
  • A promise to share power - Greens believe in putting power in the hands of the people
  • A Mission to transform our economy - A Green mayor is the only choice for a real green recovery




Greens working for you

Caroline Russell AM

London Assembly

London Assembly Member, Zack Polanski

Zack Polanski

London Assembly

Zoe Garbett AM

London Assembly



Jenny Jones

Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb

House of Lords

Natalie Bennett

Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle

House of Lords