Meet the team

Southwark Green Party is run entirely by volunteers. We are a grassroots party run by people who are passionate about green politics and making a difference.

Our officers and campaigners play a key role in supporting our candidates for election campaigns and in planning the wider activity of the local party.


Officers are elected at our Annual General Meeting. If you have any questions, email us at [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you. 


Chair: vacancy

With fellow officers, the Chair sets the framework for an engaging, supportive and effective local party that supports our electoral ambitions in Southwark and beyond.


Election Agent: Bartley Shaw

Photo of Bartley Shaw

The Election Agent is responsible for the lawful conduct of the local party in elections. 


Treasurer: Philip Collins

The job of the Treasurer is to look after the Party's finances, and to keep the membership and officers informed of the Party's financial health. 

The Treasurer presents annual accounts at the Party's AGM and provides a brief report at each Officers' Meeting. He or she is responsible for prompt payment by the Party for goods and services, for ensuring that expenditure is for the proper purposes of the Party, for arranging prompt refund of expenditures carried out on our behalf, and for management of any monies owed by or to the Party.  Quarterly returns have to be supplied to the national GPEW Finance Office, and at election times, together with the Party's Election Agent, the Treasurer is responsible for ensuring that we comply with the financial side of election law, and that we provide correct and timely information to the Electoral Commission. 


Membership Officer: Catherine Dawkins and Richard Taylor


The membership officers welcome new members and plan a programme of events and opportunities to support engagement and electoral success. 


Data Officer: Seb Newsam and Tom Wedell


The data officers are responsible for the careful management of data about our members and voter information provided via the electoral register, whicle observing the requirements of GDPR.  


Diversity & Inclusion Officer: Callum Fowler



Social Media & Communications Officer: vacancy

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  • Bartley Shaw
    published this page in About 2021-03-30 17:21:14 +0100
  • Bartley Shaw
    published this page in About 2021-03-30 17:19:13 +0100