‘Trafalgar Place exemplifies a dash to socially cleanse valuable land in London’

3041120_Trafalgar-Place---Elephant-and-Castle_PressImage_Thomas-_Etchells_5.jpgWriter and North Walworth resident Guy Mannes Abbott writes in The Architecture Review...

Typically, the RIBA’s Stirling Prize shortlist leavens starry spectacles with a socially minded gesture or two. In a thin year for the former, the list still obliged with the flawed spectacularity of Herzog & de Meuron’s Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford. In contrast, the ‘housing crisis’ generated a lot of noise but few homes again, so a ‘flagship’ housing scheme designed by dRMM for the Elephant and Castle’s ‘regeneration’ ticked a misleading box.

[Read full article on The Architecture Review website...]

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  • Guy Mannes-Abbott
    published this page in News and Views 2018-02-16 15:46:15 +0000