Southwark Green Party has responded to the TfL consultation on measures like the Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) to combat air pollution and improve health. Southwark residents are exposed to some of the highest levels of pollution in London - so this affects us all. What do we want the Mayor to do?
We strongly support the introduction of a new £10 Emissions Surcharge on the Congestion Charge to discourage the use of older, more polluting vehicles in central London. We want to see the Ultra Low Emissions Zone (ULEZ) extended to the South Circular, and to take effect as soon as possible - by 2019 at the latest.
But we want to see smarter measures too, like variable road pricing. A variable charge would be affordable for essential journeys but would discourage short and unnecessary car journeys, reducing both air pollution and congestion. Exceptions to the charge would ensure access for disabled people and essential workers.
And we want to see the Mayor think about carrots as well as sticks. Incentives for cutting car use and encouraging more journeys on foot, by bicycle and by public transport, would reduce traffic and congestion. The London Olympics are a great example of what can be achieved, with nearly two-thirds of Londoners altering their usual patterns of travel in response to advice and information.
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