Liba Hoskin


Liba Hoskin is a Walworth resident of 30 years, and coordinator of Walworth Green Party. She is a retired maths teacher, and mother to three adult children. A housing campaigner, she is active in Alvey TRA, Elephant Amenity Network and Southwark Defend Council Housing. She has volunteered in local parks to help improve local green spaces. 

Liba stands:
  • For investing in education, culture, sport, youth and adult care - as a means of saving on health and crime expenses, and increasing residents' quality of life.
  • For cleanup and investment in public transport, secure cycling routes and quietways, planting and maintenance of trees to improve air quality - also saving on health expenses and increasing quality of life.
  • For preserving and investing in good quality council housing stock, as a best means for providing secure and sustainable housing. This also secures income from rents for Southwark Council to be able to invest back in the community and to prevent homelessness.
  • For rent control to achieve fair rents.
  • Against socially and environmentally wasteful demolitions of council estates, and the breaking up of communities.
  • Against any form of human or environmental exploitation. Twitter_bird_logo_2012.svg.png


Latest news featuring Liba Hoskin

Harkers_cropped.jpgThe Walworth community is fighting to save one of the last surviving Victorian scene-painting studios, based at 'Flints' at the Queens Row. Harkers Studio housed a local business which served both the theatre industry and the wider arts community. Labour-run Southwark Council has granted planning permission to redevelop the building into flats and office space, without much consultation.

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