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Click Read more for our guidance on Accessing and Participating in Southwark Green Party online events.
Accessing the online event
From a PC:
- Use Google Chrome – Jitsi appears not to work in Internet Explorer
- Paste the link provided for the event into the browser
- You should be taken directly to the video conference
From a SmartPhone:
- Download the Jitsi App from your relevant app store
- Follow the link from the Event RSVP confirmation
- You should be taken directly to the video conference (you need to allow the app to access your camera and microphone)
From a telephone:
- Dial the telephone number supplied in the Event RSVP confirmation email
- Enter the Meeting ID number followed by the hash symbol (#). Note that the audio instructions request ‘Meeting ID followed by the pound sign’.
On-screen icons (for a web browser, the layout is different if accessing via a SmartPhone)
Roll over the screen to reveal three sets of icons grouped at the bottom-left, centre and bottom-right of the screen.
The three in the centre:
- Left icon allows you to un/mute your audio
- Right icon allows you to hide/reveal your camera
- Centre icon to hang up when you leave the call
The three at the bottom-left:
- Click on the HAND to let the other attendees you want to contribute
- The right-hand ‘speech bubble’ icon opens the CHAT
- The left-hand ‘screen’ icon allows you to share your screen
See the notes further on in this document on how we recommend using these.
The three at the bottom-right:
- Left icon toggles between view options
- Right icon (three dots) reveals a menu of features. Most important to complete is at the top. Click ‘ME’ to enter your name so other attendees know who you are.
- Centre icon gives information about the conference – you probably won’t need this.
Participating in the online event
Online events are different to events in person. Typically, there should be a CHAIR to guide discussions and an EVENT ADMIN to keep an eye on chat and contributions. Some events will require a SECRETARY also to record actions and decisions.
For events with many attendees it is customary to MUTE oneself when not contributing to avoid feedback, echo etc. For those attending via PC or Smartphone CHAT is a useful way to contribute. It means that you can type contributions and reactions to the event without unnecessary interruption to the flow, it stops attendees talking over each other and it makes good use of time. Some useful ways to use it are:
Type + to indicate you agree with what’s being said
Type ++ to indicate you strongly agree
Type - to indicate you disagree
Type -- to indicate you strongly disagree
In CHAT, type Q (or Question) before the question you want to ask. Usually (depending on the number of attendees) questions will be captured by the event admin and shared at the relevant time.
To indicate you want to make a contribution click on the HAND or type HAND in the CHAT so that the Event Admin knows this.
For those attending by phone, the above guidance does not apply, so you will need to simply jump in with your contributions!
Hopefully this guidance helps. Let your chair know of any obstacles you encounter.
April 2020
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