Beyond Covid-19 is a series of online Speaker Events co-hosted by Southwark and Lambeth Green Parties. Each event in the series looks at a core Green Party issue or policy in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope you will find these events of interest and join us at them.
What can we take from this crisis?
It is tough when many are losing their livelihoods or more. But, as well as supporting those who need it now, we want also to look at what we can do now to prepare for life after Covid-19.
The impact of Covid-19 and the response to the pandemic have provided a dramatically different context to many long-standing Green concerns – from the Climate Emergency to Social Justice, Universal Basic Income to the need for Active Travel routes. In this series of online events, we are inviting a subject expert to reflect on the crisis and trigger discussion on how to ensure that the lessons from today lead to a more positive future for all.
Our first event, on Wednesday 6 May, looked at Universal Basic Income (UBI) and we were delighted to welcome co-Leader of the Green Party and our London Mayoral candidate, Siân Berry.
This is a rolling programme so check the EVENTS page for what's up next. We look forward to welcoming you to any or all of them and if you have an idea for a topic or speaker you suggest we cover, get in touch [email protected].
Online events present both opportunities and pitfalls so we direct all attendees to our guidance notes here. If you have any concerns or questions about access, behaviours or technology, do not hesitate to raise them by emailing us [email protected].
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