The climate emergency and cost of living crisis mean that choosing to vote Green is more important than ever. There are Green Party candidates seeking your vote in every constituency in Southwark.
The Green Party offers real hope, real change.
Read the Green Party manifesto here to discover the genuinely progressive approach to delivering the fairer, greener future that our country and communities need.
Green Party co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay launched the manifesto on 12 June 2024.
Be part of the change on July 4th and Vote Green.
Constituency: Peckham
Green Party candidate: Claire Sheppard
I am a compassionate, hard-working campaigner with community in my heart, and I am asking for your vote in the Green Election. I am a Peckham-based community activist, small business owner, cancer survivor, and mum who has lived in the area for 25 years. In 2020, I co-founded Nunhead Knocks, a community mutual aid group, to provide and coordinate practical support in SE15 throughout Covid. During the winter of 2022/23, we pivoted to providing small community grants, fundraising over £40k in three years. In one tough winter alone, we distributed almost £20k in individual grants of £50 to meet basic needs for food and fuel.
I came to politics later in life following major life experiences: new motherhood, cancer treatment, and applying for Universal Credit. I vowed that once I recovered, I would make a positive contribution to my community and do all I could to leave the world a better place for my son. I have campaigned in six elections in the last six years, and as the Green Party Candidate for Lambeth and Southwark in the London Assembly elections in 2021, I beat the Tories into 3rd place. I am a proven hard-working, caring, and respected campaigner who will work her socks off!
[The Peckham constituency includes the Southwark council wards of North Walworth, Faraday, Old Kent Road, Peckham, St. Giles, Rye Lane and Nunhead & Queens Road.]
Constituency: Dulwich & West Norwood
Green Party candidate: Pete Elliott
I am an engineer and project manager with 22 years of military service and 11 years working in Whitehall. I understand government operations and am critical of wasteful spending and privatization. Appalled by the atrocities in Palestine, I have criticized Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak for not condemning war crimes. I entered politics due to issues like library closures and the treatment of residents on 'regeneration' estates by Lambeth's Labour Council, which I accuse of financial mismanagement.
Drawn to the Green Party for its foreign policy and stance on refugees, I served as a Lambeth councillor from 2018 to 2022. My achievements include advocating for the climate emergency declaration in London, banning glyphosates, and pushing for fossil fuel divestment.
Currently, I chair the Gipsy Hill Safer Neighbourhood Panel. As an MP, I aim to represent all residents, support local organizations, tackle the Climate Emergency, reverse austerity, campaign for electoral reform, nationalize key industries, and advocate for renters' rights.
[The Dulwich & West Norwood constituency straddles both Southwark and Lambeth boroughs; the Southwark council wards within D&WN are Champion Hill, Dulwich Village and Dulwich Wood.]
Constituency: Lewisham West & East Dulwich
Green Party candidate: Callum Fowler
I have made the South East of London my home, after moving to the city nearly five years ago. I have studied in Deptford, marched in Lewisham, and have lived across a number of boroughs in the region. Lewisham and Dulwich are two areas full of life and community, and I am tired of seeing this being eroded by Westminster politics. There are many fundamental issues in this country, making life extremely hard for many people, and I want to offer an alternative for people to vote for against the current lacklustre main parties. I will always stand for economic, social, and climate justice for anyone who calls the constituency their home.
[The Lewisham West & East Dulwich constituency straddles both Southwark and Lewisham boroughs; the Southwark council wards within LW&ED are Goose Green, Peckham Rye and Dulwich Hill.]
Constituency: Vauxhall and Camberwell Green
Green Party candidate: Catherine Dawkins
I am delighted to be standing as your Green candidate for Vauxhall and
Camberwell Green. I have been living in Camberwell for 8 years and have been with the Green Party for almost 10! I support the Green Party because Greens demand real change for the people they represent. Having Greens in any room makes the other parties lift their game and work smarter and harder for their communities. Greens work hard for their constituents and we aren't whipped so can really represent the views of residents. Voting Green is never a wasted vote, more crosses in the ballot box shows that Green policies are important and supported!
[The Vauxhall & Camberwell Green constituency straddles both Southwark and Lambeth boroughs; the Southwark council wards within V&CG are Camberwell Green and Newington.]
Constituency: Bermondsey & Old Southwark
Green Party candidate: Catherine Dawkins
I have lived in the constituency for over 20 years and am an active member of my community. I am standing because I want my neighbours in Bermondsey and Old Southwark to be able to vote Green. I decided to get involved in politics after living abroad, in a country where few people even bothered to vote because they felt it was pointless. I am concerned at the gradual erosion of the rights and freedoms that we sometimes take for granted. The Green Party offers a serious alternative to politics as usual. We have the best and most progressive policies in all areas. There is no climate justice without social justice.
[The Bermondsey & Old Southwark constituency includes the Southwark council wards of Borough & Bankside, St. George’s, Chaucer, London Bridge & West Bermondsey, North Bermondsey, South Bermondsey, Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks.]
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