Third Thursday Summer picnic

Join us for a picnic in beautiful Burgess Park. Bring food to share, a frisbee or a blanket - all ages welcome for informal chat from 6.30pm onwards. No need to be a member either, so bring a friend or two.

We'll be at Chumleigh Gardens (SE5 0RJ), a group of buildings near the corner of Wells Way and Albany Road, either on the front lawn or on the hill just to the left of the community garden. Please RSVP below so we know to look out for you.

The park is currently threatened by multiple planning applications that will overshadow it, so that's sure to be a topic of conversation, but it's a lovely place. The old almshouses at Chumleigh Gardens are surrounded by beautiful plants in the World Gardens and the community allotments, and there is an excellent new playground, with the lake and meadows just a short wander away.

July 18, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Burgess Park - grass near Chumleigh Gardens
Chumleigh Street
London SE5 0RJ
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Eleanor ·
James Agyepong-Parsons Eleanor Margolies Lucy Pegg

Will you come?

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  • James Agyepong-Parsons
    rsvped 2019-07-18 16:43:54 +0100
  • Eleanor Margolies
    rsvped 2019-07-17 14:14:09 +0100
  • Lucy Pegg
    rsvped 2019-07-15 22:05:18 +0100