We'll be heading out to talk to voters in the Camberwell and Peckham Rye areas. Talking and Listening to voters is a great way to make people aware of the Green Party, it's policies and what it stands for. It's also a good way to understand what issues local residents are worried about, and how the Green Party can help to tackle them.
We're meeting at the BrewBird, a social enterprise located 5 minutes from Camberwell Road, 12 minutes from Denmark Hill, and 15 minutes from Peckham Rye.
We'll head out in small teams if it's your first time we'll pair you with an experienced volunteer.
February 18, 2017 at 11:00am - 1pm
Brewbird Cafe
29 Peckham Rd (Entrance on Havil St
London SE5 8UA
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
29 Peckham Rd (Entrance on Havil St
London SE5 8UA
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Rhiannon Horsley

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