Southwark Council must rethink its approach to redevelopment

The decision this week by the Government to reject Southwark Council’s application for a Compulsory Purchase Order laid bare how the Council has ignored community objections and prioritised the interests of developers.

Colin Boyle, Chair of Southwark Green Party, responded: “The Aylesbury Estate does need to be regenerated, but this needs to be done in a way that preserves the community, increases the level of social housing, and minimises the environmental impact.” 

“We now call on Southwark Council to end the uncertainty for all those remaining on the estate.”

“The Council must now treat the existing leaseholders fairly, ensuring that their children have continuity in their education and that they can continue to live on the estate over the longer term.”

“The Council needs to revisit its whole approach to regeneration across the borough.  Estate regeneration must now only take place where there is resident support, based on full and transparent consultation.  As part of this, residents must be fully supported to develop their own plans for regeneration, and must have a meaningful say in the process to select the preferred option.”



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