Southwark Council is failing on social housing

Council's plans continue to push out poorest

Campaigning_for_housing_in_Elephant.jpgLondon Assembly estimates predict Southwark will lose 2,051 social rented homes as a result of current property schemes, and that across London 80% of building will only be affordable by 8% of the population. Southwark is in the bottom 3 boroughs for affordable housing.

So rather than creating a “fairer” Southwark, both current and previous councils have delivered a deal that is pushing our communities to the breaking point.

As Southwark Green Party, our candidates would call for:

  • Residents to be balloted on proposed demolition
  • Refurbishment over demolition (where it doesn’t put residents at risk)
  • Improved resident consultations, taking into account local needs
  • Supporting local community groups wishing to manage community assets
  • Supporting community land trusts wishing to build homes
  • Enforcing agreed social and affordable commitments by developers

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