**NB: change of meeting point**
Meeting point is now the Rye Hill Tenants & Residents Association (SE15 3HZ) at 12 noon.
Any issues, please phone Bartley (07803 174582)
Can you help deliver the latest edition of London Green News to voters in Peckham Rye ward?
Meet your local co-ordinators (Bartley and Claire) at The Old Nun's Head from 12 o'clock and we'll tackle the target streets nearby. We will be delivering copies of the London Green News containing the latest news and views from the London Green Party. Whatever help you can offer will make a huge contribution in building support for our current (and future!) elected representatives.
I do hope you can join us - an hour is a massive help - and if you cannot make it but would like to help at another time or independently, take a look at the other events listed at www.southwarkgreenparty.org or get in touch.

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