Join us for our Monthly Meet Up, this month our meeting will be informal as we reflect on a hectic few months of political activity. With the results of the referendum still fresh in everyone's minds there will be lots of discussion of the result, the resulting fall out and what we should be doing next.
We'll be in the back bar - look out for the Green Balloons.
We'll also be asking 'what next' - as we start to plan our activities for the next few month and ask ourselves what this means for the Green Party in Southwark.
New members and supporters or first time meeting attendees are very welcome - Rhiannon, the Membership Secretary will be around from 7pm to welcome you.
The White Horse is just 5 minutes from Peckham Rye station and on bus routes 12, 37, 63, 197, 343, 363 & P12.

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