Will you help to make London the Greenest City in the World?
With just weeks until the London Mayor and Assembly elections, support our brilliant Green Party candidates.
Claire Sheppard (Green Party candidate for Lambeth & Southwark) and Siân Berry (Green Party candidate for London Mayor)
Please sign up to give an hour or two to deliver leaflets door-to-door in a small socially distanced group.
Everything you need to support your Green Party candidates is provided: guidance, maps, leaflets and importantly advice on how to campaign safely within Covid rules. Please bring along a face mask, individual hand sanitiser, a tote bag and most importantly your best campaigning self.
RSVP for full details.
Let’s make this a green election to remember.
Want to help again, or cannot make this one? Join us at one of our other April Leafleting Days - see the EVENTS page for details.

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