Green Party Spring Conference

GPEW (Green Party of England and Wales) welcomes members to Spring Conference 2021.

Understandably, circumstances mean that all events will be held online.

Formal Conference kicks off on 1 March with Workshops. At workshops members discuss motions in detail before they are debated and voted on in Plenary Sessions. There will be three workshops each evening from 1-4 March. 

At Plenaries members debate and voting on motions. These plenary sessions will be held over the weekend of 6-7 March, with the opening plenary taking place on the evening of 5 March.

Due to demand, there will also be a pre-conference weekend on 27 and 28 February with learning and networking activities for members. This will include fringe discussions, training, socials, special interest group meetings, policy working group meetings.

All information is available in the members' section of the national Green Party website at, including the full timetable, agenda and  registration information.

GP Conference

February 27, 2021 at 9:45am - March 09, 2021
jay ginn

Will you come?

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  • jay ginn
    rsvped 2022-01-18 20:13:57 +0000