Global Greens Congress - Report back
Green Party members gathered in person and on Zoom, at Camberwell Library last Wednesday 9 August to hear reports from the recent Global Greens Congress in Seoul, South Korea.
Speakers and attendees at Camberwell Library for the panel event
Catherine opened the session with a report on how she was selected as the representative of the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW), the arrangements for her travel and accommodation and the modules she attended in the three-day congress. She also gave a flavour of
the opportunities and limitations that a global congress presents. Amelia gave the opening speech at the congress and chose to reflect on the many changes since the Liverpool Congress in 2017, which she had attended in her role as Deputy of the GPEW. Among her observations from congress were the energy and inspiration to be gained from connecting with greens from around the world and to be reminded that at somewhere around the world, at any given time, a green is winning an election! Peter then talked of his personal experience and of the links he has forged with Green colleagues from around the world and in particular the joint learnings with Swedish members.
Catherine working through her presentation
After completion of presentations, questions were taken from the floor, and many conversations continued at The Bear pub nearby.
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