Global Greens Congress - Panel event



Join fellow Green Party members from Southwark and beyond to this panel event reporting back from the 2023 Global Greens Congress. 

Composite Global Greens image with the Congress logo and photograph of Catherine Dawkins delegate of the Green Party of England and Wales

Held in South Korea last month the delegate for the Green Party of England and Wales was Southwark campaigner, Catherine Dawkins.

Joining Catherine for this panel event are fellow delegates Amelia Womack and Pete Elliott. As well as having joined Catherine at the Congress, Amelia and Pete are well known to many of us. Amelia was for many years Deputy Leader of the national party and a local campaigner here in Southwark many years back. Pete is a tireless campaigner in Lambeth and across London, was recently selected as parliamentary candidate for Dulwich & West Norwood and was voted onto the Green Party List for next year's elections to the London Assembly.

Group shot from the Global Congress

Group shot from the Global Congress

As a Korean speaker and working with North Korean refugees in the UK, Catherine brings a unique perspective to her time in Incheon, attending the Global Greens Congress and there will be plenty for her, Amelia and Pete to report on from this fascinating event; news on resolutions they tabled, the huge programme of events, the networking with Green Party campaigners from across the planet and no doubt plenty of food for thought how an event like this informs our own local campaigning. There will be plenty of time allocated for Q&A so please come along to celebrate and to find out more.

It is also an opportunity to thank in person the many generous donors from Southwark Green Party and elsewehere, who supported the crowdfunder and made the visit possible.  

 Date:  Wednesday 9 August
 Time:  6.30 pm - 7.30 pm
 Venue:  Camberwell Library (elevator access)
Access:  Bus: 12, 35, 40, 42, 45, 171, 176, 185, 436, 36, 345, 484
   Denmark Hill train station is 13-minute walk away



August 09, 2023 at 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Camberwell Library
48 Camberwell Grn
London SE5 7AL
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Bartley Shaw ·
Susan Hunter David Buendia Jennet Thomas Colin Boyle David Doyle Oliver Murray Richard Taylor Catherine Dawkins Bartley Shaw Philip Collins

Will you come?

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  • Susan Hunter
    rsvped 2023-08-05 09:58:02 +0100
  • David Buendia
    rsvped 2023-07-30 13:34:55 +0100
  • Jennet Thomas
    rsvped 2023-07-30 13:31:11 +0100
  • Colin Boyle
    rsvped 2023-07-27 11:22:59 +0100
  • David Doyle
    rsvped 2023-07-25 08:49:49 +0100
  • Oliver Murray
    rsvped 2023-07-24 19:46:38 +0100
  • Richard Taylor
    rsvped 2023-07-24 19:16:16 +0100
  • Catherine Dawkins
    rsvped 2023-07-19 19:34:18 +0100
  • Bartley Shaw
    rsvped 2023-07-15 09:47:14 +0100
  • Philip Collins
    rsvped 2023-07-14 11:38:04 +0100
  • Bartley Shaw
    published this page in Events 2023-07-13 20:59:47 +0100