Global Greens Congress

We are excited to announce that our local activist Catherine Dawkins has been selected as the sole delegate for the Green Party of England and Wales at the upcoming Global Greens Congress in Korea this June 2023. Attending such an important event requires significant financial resources, including travel, carbon offsetting and accommodation - so we have launched a crowdfunder and ask for your support in spreading the word and contributing with some cash, if you are able.

Why Global Greens Congress matters

As a long-time member and passionate advocate for the Green Party, Catherine understands that the Global Greens Congress is a crucial opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world, share best practices, and develop new strategies to fight climate change, promote social justice, and

protect the environment. She is committed to ensuring that our party and our voice is well-represented at this critical event.

About Catherine, in her own words...

I live in Southwark and have been involved with the Green Party since 2015. On joining, I dove straight into volunteering. I have led and supported multiple groups, ranging from campaigning for local parties (in traditionally yellow, blue and red areas!), leading the London Young Greens, collaborating with international Green Parties and running for local election myself in 2022.

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Alongside my fellow candidates, in the Southwark ward of Nunhead & Queens Road we increased our vote share by 199% which translated to roughly 1,000 voters changing their minds and voting Green - something of which I am immensely proud.


Outside of the Green Party, I also volunteer with Greenpeace and I work for a charity based in South London which supports North Korean escapees in the UK and beyond. I have been learning Korean for five years and am excited about practicing my skills outside of my work. I want to raise awareness about the situation of the North Korean diaspora community at the conference, among many other topics.


If you are able to support this crowdfunder - where literally every pound counts - we would be so grateful. Follow this link for more information and to donate.

Thank you.

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  • Bartley Shaw
    published this page in News and Views 2023-05-13 17:47:42 +0100