We'll be going door to door to speak to people about the General Election, to provide information about how to register to vote and to deliver newsletters. We'll be focusing our efforts around Peckham and Camberwell.
There are a number of ways you can help out - from helping for an hour to spending the day with us.
The Plan:
Door Knocking: Talking to voters
Venue: Meet at the BrewBird on Havil Street, off Peckham Road
Time: 11am or 2pm
We will run a briefing before we head out in pairs to talk to voters about what matters to them. First time attendees are very welcome, and will be paired with an experienced volunteer.
Delivering Leaflets
You can leaflet your street at a time that suits you, or join with others to leaflet on the day. We can get leaflets to you, or come along to pick them up. Please drop us a line to say what would be best for you.
29 Peckham Rd (Entrance on Havil St
London, England SE5 8UA
United Kingdom
Google map and directions

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