As the Canada Water Masterplan planning application is made up of 212 documents, which makes it very difficult for a non-expert to have the time or specialist knowledge to tackle. Despite this plethora of documentation, only 3 sites are defined in detail:
- A1 is the 33-storey residential tower and office buildings planned for the Overflow Car Park in front of the Dock Office
- A2 is the Leisure Centre and Office block planned for the Tesco filling station
- K1 is the social housing block on Robert’s Close next to Russia Dock Woodland.
The remainder of the application is at outline level, leaving very significant scope for British Land to change their plans later on.
Developing our response
Southwark Green Party has been working with the Southwark Law Centre and Southwark Community Action Network (CAN) to look at the legitimate grounds on which planning applications can be successfully challenged. Fundamentally, there has to be "material considerations" relative to the planning policy framework for the area covered by this application.
We expect to structure our response as follows:
- Overall Development Objectives
- Building Height, Density and Usage
- Right to Light Impacts
- Transport Impacts
- Other infrastructure Impacts
- Social and Heritage Impacts
- Environmental Impacts
- Leeway to change plans going forward
- Cumulative impacts
How you can help
Southwark CAN has written an overview of the planning process, the planning application itself, and how to respond here:
Transport for London has provided feedback here.
Comments from the public on the link are available here.
The Canada Water West Residents Action Group's suggestions are here.
With regard to the application itself, we would recommend that you start with the "Planning Statement" document as it provides an overview of the whole planning application and British Land's justification.
We are keen to "crowdsource" as much of the response as possible, so please do add feedback, or volunteer to research an area, and we will coordinate that and incorporate it into our submission to Southwark Council.
Draft response
Please see the draft here.
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