Join us to connect with voters in Nunhead
Join fellow Green Party campaigners as we talk to residents to find out what matters to them. We'll provide full training and pair you up an experienced campaigner if it's your first time.
12.45 welcome and briefing
13.00 door knocking in teams
15.00 (max) conclude, thank you and optional social & de-brief
Meeting point is at Sunny's Diner, 97 Queen's Road.
We look forward to seeing you there. Please RSVP below (and why not bring a friend!).
Want to help but can't make this Campaign Day? See the list of other dates at Or, if you want to help in your own time, contact us.
There has never been a better time to get involved with the work of the Green Party. Helping on a day like this, making a regular financial contribution, phoning volunteers - all can help get Greens elected in Southwark and work for a fairer, cleaner, more socially just future for everyone.

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