Campaigning Day

Will you help to spread the Green Party message?

Join fellow Green Party members distributing our local newsletter Green News.

Come along and deliver copies on the day or take away and deliver in your own time. If you can spare an hour or more, then please sign up.

Your local Green Party representatives will bring the maps, the leaflets and relevant Covid guidance.

RSVP for full details.

 Composite of Green Party campaigners

Also, if you are free to do so after the campaigning, join Plastic Free Peckham and their Community Clean-Up in the Kirkwood Nature Reserve

Want to help but cannot make this Campaign Day? See the list of other dates at

June 27, 2021 at 12:00pm - 2pm
Queens Road Peckham station
55 Station Psge
London SE15 2ND
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Bartley Shaw
Jennet Thomas Susan Hunter Bartley Shaw

Will you come?

Showing 5 reactions

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • Colin Boyle
    canceled rsvp 2021-06-23 15:13:27 +0100
  • Colin Boyle
    rsvped 2021-06-23 15:13:19 +0100
  • Jennet Thomas
    rsvped 2021-06-18 17:32:23 +0100
  • Susan Hunter
    rsvped 2021-06-15 17:19:19 +0100
  • Bartley Shaw
    rsvped 2021-06-14 15:35:48 +0100