We would love to see members and supporters in person rather than via a screen!
Some Southwark Green Party officers and members will be in Burgess Park on Sunday 16 August and love for you to swing by to say hi. This is certainly not a formal gathering rather, an invitation to simply come by at a time that suits to catch up on anything at all or simply to venture out and meet up with some fellow Greens.
Weather permitting - and subject to any changes in the Covid guidance - you will find us in the highlighted section of the park between 12 noon and 3pm on Sunday 16 August. If you know the park, this highlighted spot is due south of the Victorian cottages and Chumleigh Gardens. We’ll rig up something suitably green so you can spot us!
Plenty to catch up on from the Green Recovery to the pandemic, the Party Leadership elections, our plans for future campaigns.. or just a relaxed chat in the park. Hope to see you there and remember to observe the relevant distancing to keep everyone safe.
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