We stand against the Aylesbury social cleansing

Labour claim they have built 535 new council homes, while on the Heygate Estate they have already destroyed 941 council homes and they are in the process of destroying 778 council homes on the Aylesbury Estatea total loss of 1,719 council homes. Architect Liam Hennessy says: “When it comes to social housing Southwark Labour is a total loss. The right to return’ on the Aylesbury cannot be taken seriously because the number of council homes to be demolished is 778 greater than being provided on the ‘regenerated’ estate.”

According to the most recent independent monitoring of Southwark Labour Council’s record on council homes, they built a grand total of 13 council homes in the three years 2014, 2015, 2016! (London Plan Annual Monitoring Report 2015-2016, pages 108-109)

Southwark Labour claim they will build 11,000 new council homes by 2043. At the rate of 4.33 council homes per year – from the most recent independent audit of new council homes - it will take Southwark Labour 2,540 years to build their target of 11,000 council homes!

While anticipating and promoting the demolition of the Aylesbury Estate, Labour-led Southwark Council has neglected repairs and maintenance of heating, rubbish collection and pest control; over 200 Aylesbury Residents have demanded Southwark Council keeps to its maintenance obligations. Green Party Faraday candidates pledge to hold Southwark Council accountable on genuine social housing and building council homes in the earliest stages of development for local residents to access. Green Party candidates say NO to Labour’s promotion of Investments for the few, at the expense of the many.

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