Monthly Green social and discussion


Camberwell Station, Central Hill Estate, Elephant & Castle "regeneration", the infamous Garden Bridge! - what links these topics?


They're all issues that affect people near Southwark's border with Lambeth and are potential themes in next year's council elections for both local parties.

On Wednesday we'll be joined by candidates from Lambeth to discuss next year's elections, what cross-border themes might arise, and how we can work together to gain Green councillors in both boroughs.


Join us at The Artworks Classrooms, a two-minute walk from London Bridge. We'll have tea, coffee and snacks at the ready from 7pm, before retiring to a local watering hole for slightly less formal conversation at 9.

All members, supporters and friends welcome to the discussion.


Find directions to The Artworks Classroms here:

September 06, 2017 at 7:00pm - 10pm
The Artworks Classrooms, London Bridge
60a Weston St
London Bridge
London, England SE1 3QJ
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Eleanor Margolies Phil Vabulas Rebecca Thackray

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