Southwark Green Party submitted today its objections to the Canada Water Masterplan. Despite further changes made by the developers in response to mounting local opposition, the vast majority of our serious concerns remain unaddressed, and we continue to support the wider community campaign opposing the planning application.
See our detailed feedback, and email response template:
Southwark Green Party view
Southwark Green Party supports sustainable development, but this plan must be opposed for the following reasons:
- Building height and density – still too tall, too much
- Almost no new transport or other infrastructure
- Not socially or environmentally sustainable
- Too much leeway to change plans going forward
- Cumulative impacts not assessed – up to 15,000 new flats and 40,000 new jobs in 1.5 miles radius
- Will change the character of Rotherhithe and Surrey Docks for ever
Community View
The Canada Water West Residents Action Group presented a petition to Southwark Council setting out their concerns around the height, density, impact on existing transport links and infrastructure.
The Friends of Russia Dock Woodland, Stave Hill Ecology Park, St John's Primary School, Alfred Salter Primary School, and the Canada Water Forum have also joined forces to oppose the specific proposal for site K1 (Roberts Close).
What you can do!
See the Planning Application here by searching for 18/AP/1604 at
The formal deadline for responses was 20-Jul-2018, but we have confirmed that ahead of the planning meeting (date TBC but likely to be in the late autumn) all responses received will be taken into account – send them to: [email protected]
Alternatively, we have provided an easy-to-use email response here:
Finally, we are leafleting the local community to raise awareness - if you'd like to help, please volunteer here:
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