Delivering London Green News

Can you help us deliver London Green News to people in Camberwell? It's full of news about the work of London Assembly members Sian Berry and Caroline Russell, including campaigns on youth services and air pollution.

No experience necessary - you'll join a friendly team and be paired up with someone who knows the area.

Brew Bird is a great social enterprise with lovely coffee and toast to start your leafletting action day! Join us for the morning or the whole day - even an hour is a massive help. 


July 27, 2019 at 10:30am - 12:30pm
BrewBird cafe
29 Peckham Road (entrance on Havil St
London, England SE5 8UA
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Phil ·
Peter Reder Eleanor Margolies

Will you come?

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  • Peter Reder
    rsvped 2019-07-21 11:18:06 +0100
  • Eleanor Margolies
    rsvped 2019-07-17 18:16:07 +0100