The Green Party says YES to Europe and NO to climate chaos and has been instrumental in calling for a People's Vote on any Brexit deal.
If you want to march with fellow Green Party members and supporters, join us from 12 noon on Saturday 19th October under the magnificent London plane tree outside the Dorchester Hotel on Park Lane. Bring your banners, your flags and your mates and add your voice to resolve the Brexit chaos in the only way that can possibly start to heal the divisions: a People's Vote that confirms what the citizens now want.
Hope to see you many of you there with the rest of the Green Bloc.
October 19, 2019 at 12:00pm - 1pm
The Plane Tree (outside the Dorchester Hotel)
53 Park Ln
London W1K 1QA
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
53 Park Ln
London W1K 1QA
United Kingdom
Google map and directions

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