Sunday 4 June

No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. … Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. - John Donne, 1624

This is a day of shock and deep sadness. Today we are remembering the seven people killed yesterday at London Bridge, the injured and affected. We also remember Abdirahman Mohamed, a boy of 17 who was fatally stabbed on Southampton Way on Friday night.

We will be meeting as planned at 2pm in Camberwell to have a space to talk. Please feel free to join us there.

At 5pm, we will come together to share a moment of silence for the victims in the Peace Garden outside the Imperial War Museum. This is open to all who wish to attend.

June 04, 2017 at 2:00pm - 4pm
Spike and Earl
31 Peckham Rd
London, England SE5 8UB
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Peter Hamilton Phil Vabulas

Will you come?

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  • Peter Hamilton
    rsvped 2017-06-04 11:21:17 +0100
  • Phil Vabulas
    rsvped 2017-05-01 19:11:07 +0100